
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My largest finished project

Greetings one and all

Yesterday was my father's 41st birthday! I made a granny square blanket for him. It took me several months to complete and four pounds of light blue and dark blue yarn. It consisted of 20 squares ten light blue and ten dark blue ones. I never did like finishing projects and this one took all my will power to keep at it. I was greatly tempted to just throw it aside and forget about but when my dad saw it, I was glad that I had kept at it; every stitch was worth it in the end. I have bread rising and my mother and I need to go get the prize for the children’s bible class we teach so I must leave. I hope every one has a great Valentine day tomorrow.

1 comment(s):

uncannytraveler said...

Hey!!!!! A fellow Christian who is a teenager and crochets! yes! that's really cool. not many people I know crochet, and I don't have many Christian friends either, so it's nice to find someone who is :)