
Thursday, February 7, 2008

My first post!

Hello everyone!
I am a 16 (soon to be 17) year old Christian girl who is "in waiting". What does that mean? It simply means that I'm still waiting for God's perfect plan to be reveled to me. I'm working on my junior year in high school at the present, I've been home schooled for ten of those eleven years. I faithfully and actively attend a fundamental Baptist church. On this blog I'll be sharing my journey through life, successes and failures alike. I hope that through this blog I'll be an encouragement to other young people in waiting and I hope that to learn about others journeys in life. Please let me encourage you to comment freely on this blog, discus what I post and please be sure to leave a link to you blog!

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Hey Sydney,

This is very neat! I love the back ground that you chose. I can't wait to hear more about what's going on with you and your family.

See ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey Syd,
Oh my goodness, you r a great writer. I really love your blog spot. thanks for giving me the address. I love you. Ttyl
Faithy Houston, Tx.