
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

True Beauty

What is beauty? Sharon Hersh, author of "Mom, I feel fat" sat down with 25 middle school aged girls and asked them to "describe the perfect girl" Their response, in order of importance, where as follows:
Has big breast
Has a boyfriend
Straight white teeth (no braces!)
Has her own car
Doesn’t have zits
Has her own phone

Who do we know who fits all of those? Barbie. Only one I can think of. That’s what middle schoolers said was the perfect girl. Notice most of them are how the girl would look? True beauty does not start on the outside, it starts with the heart. I'm sure we've all seen a pretty girl and thought how nice she looks and gone up to talk to her, but once we got to know her we realize that her heart is corrupt. On the other hand I'm sure we've all seen a "plain" girl and gone up to talk to her and her smile overwhelms up, its lights up the whole room and her eyes sparkle with the joy of the Lord. This kind of girl possesses an inner beauty. People like that make me feel loved and makes me want to smile. They make you feel like you’re important. Theres is a song that has a chorus of "I saw Jesus in you, I saw Jesus in you, in the words that you spoke, in the things that you do, I saw Jesus in you". Those are the people to whom I am pulled to the most.

One of best friend when I was first starting high school was very beautiful, boys flocked her and flirted and teased and fawned over her. When I got to know her better I realized how unsure of her self she was, she felt ugly and was always trying to show off her body and her looks. She always talked about how fat and how ugly she was around people to get them to say that she wasn't. The girl was 5'4 and only about 110 pounds and still she felt fat, she never could loose wait so she just complained about it and didn't go to any extremes thankfully. She was beautiful on the out-side but her insecurities and fears and self-hate made her heart, the part of her that truly was the most wonderful thing about her, hide from the world and from most people.

So what is true beauty? The joy of the Lord is true beauty. When some one has this joy she is the most beautiful thing on earth! Her eyes sparkle, her lips smile, her heart sings, and her hands show love with every thing she does. She pours herself into all she does. She loves and cares for those she meets. She is her self. She speaks kind words and she loves the Lord.
She doesn't try to make her self beautiful, but she is beautiful by letting down the barriers of hurt and fear that guard her heart and soul. By this I do NOT mean she does not guard her heart for her future husband and for her Lord. But simply not hide behind past wounds and fears.
I'm in the middle of reading Captivating by John and Stasi Elderedge, I've cried. I've laughed, and I'm learned. I would encourage every one to read this book; I'd beg you to read it. If you only read one book (other than the Bible) this year I pray that it will be this one.

Another good book is Dear Princess it is geared toward younger teens (13-14) but I still read it and learn for it. It deals with many of the issues of the heart and of the spirit. It is from a Mennonite view point so it does talk of head coverings and of wearing dark hose at all time but it is still a wonderful book.

I think the main thing to keep in mind it that you where made by the Hand that created the stars and moon. That He formed every little detail about you and gave you his stamp of approval. He beamed with joy at your creations. He loves you and every detail about you. He knows the number of hairs on your very head! You'd never look at a gift from your best friend and complain and nit-pick at it, "oh, I like it but I wish I could change the color or the size". So why do we do it to our Maker? Samantha suggest reading Captivating I took her advice and I am loving the book! Once again I'd suggest this book to everyone!

Here is a link about feminine beauty; I found this site while doing research for my report on true femininity
May the Lord open you eyes to how beautiful you truly are and to just how much He really does love you.

1st Peter 3:3-4 “whose adoring let it not be the outward adoring of plaiting of the hair, the wearing of gold, or of the putting on of apparel; but let the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quite spirit, which is in the sight of God a great price.”

9 comment(s):

Mia said...

Wonderful post!
It is true, when it comes to the world's definition of beauty, it's a pretty sad affair. But luckily(like you said) the JOY that we have in the Lord is true beauty!
I've read the book "Captivating" and I agree, it really does make you laugh, cry, and want to shout!
May I also recommend the book "Before you meet Prince Charming". Its a simple book that explains the beauty of making Jesus your husband first. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written Sydney! You know a lot times I am that friend of yours. Seriously.... A lot of people would say I am very confident, but I am not. I am very unsure of myself in person, shy, and get very depressed at times. I am almost the exact description of that girl (5'3 11lbs), and I find myself worrying about some many things....A few years ago it was worse as I did a half hour of workouts EVERYDAY, but now I have learned to trust more in the Lord about beauty.

Beauty isn't something you can obtain on the outside as our earthly vessels will pass away. What we need to be worried about is our spirits. Are they beautiful? Are we doing all we can t be beautifully on the inside?

The Lord has someone out there for me that will love me for being the beautiful creature I am on the INSIDE, and that is what I am looking towards.


Anonymous said...

Haha that was a 100lbs! LOL

Rachel said...

Wonderful thoughts Sydney! It is so horrible how beauty is viewed in today's world. Girls are destroyed trying to achieve that perfect figure or have the perfect hair etc.

Right now, I am reading "Captivating" as well! It is just a wonderful book, I am eager to finish it, but am enjoying each part as I come to it and hardly want to move to another subject.


Anonymous said...


I found your blog through Jocelyn @

I read a few of your posts and was particularly encouraged by this one and the waiting one.

You are so right about beauty! I never used to worry about what I looked like, but recently (about two years) I've struggled with this a bit.

May I link to you?


Sydney Smith said...

Rachel, I am the same way while I am reading "Captivating"! I'm eager to finish it but I want to get everything I possibly can from it! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

Heather, You may link to me I don’t mind in the least. I'm glad that the Lord spoke to your heart though the post. I was some what embarrassed while writing the one on waiting because I was writing of my own personal struggles, but I very glad that it encouraged you!

Many blessings to you all and thanks for commenting!

In This World of Wonders said...

Hey, Sydney!

I'm reading Captivating at the moment as well and it's amazing how many things they talk about that really hit home to me. Talking about how every girl wants to be a princess and the heroine of a great adventure at the same time. And the bit about beauty and how there are so many character traits of God that he put into us as girls or women to show us more about who He is! It's amazing! :)
Bless you! Hannah :)

SamanthaMarie said...

I'm glad that you are finding small blessings through reading Captivating. I really need to find some of the other books you have suggested. I also need to read the pile of five or six books I have waiting for me too though ;)

I pray all has been well my dear sister in Christ!

åslaug abigail said...

Sydney, you write so encouraging posts, I started reading yesterday, and I have read a couple today to. Do you mind if I link?
Hope you are well =)