
Monday, June 1, 2009

Our loss is heavens gain.

As you all know I spent the end of last month in Ohio to see my great-grandmother who was in the hospital from a very nasty fall. As we were about to cross the Texas border on our way back home we got a call saying she had a small blood-clot but that she would be fine.
Later that week she got moved into rehab and was doing much better. Well two weeks later we where told she was back in ICU from an infection in her one kidney and various other problems; but that she was going to be fine once they got her hydrated again.

Then, on the 21st, right after my graduation rehearsal we got the call...she had passed away. We all were in shock, she had been doing better; no one really knew anything at that point but we went ahead and started planning out trip up there.
I tried to get out of my graduation so we could go up there sooner but no one would hear of that. My great-grandmother had always told me to be young while I can, to live life and to shine when it was my time to be in the light. So I went ahead and went through with my graduation.

As soon as it was over we started packing to leave the next morning for Ohio again. We got there Monday, the viewing was Tuesday, and the funeral was Wednesday. It was beautiful, during her time in the hospital, right after her fall, she confirmed her salvation. It was a glorious thought knowing that she was in heaven though her body was in front of us. After wards the whole family, people I had never even heard of before, poured into the tiny house for lunch and fellowship with one another. It was packed and noisy.
After everyone had left I sat outside with my granddad just sitting watching the world around us. At one point a little neighbor boy (about 6 or so) started talking to me. When I told him I was from Texas he just looked up at me and asked, with huge eyes, "Is that where cowboys are?" He then promptly told me to follow him because he wanted to show me his four-wheeler. After talking excitedly about his four wheeler and various other things in their carport he was ready for me to meet his family! I had grown up hearing about his Aunt, who was best friends with my great-grandmother, so little be known to this boy his family was tied pretty closely to mine. Giggling lightly I waited on their porch for him to get his mom. After a few minutes of light chit-chat I told him I had to get back to "my house" because my mom needed to go to the store. While I was gone he reportedly kept driving and walking in the open ally between the two houses waving wildly and screaming "hiii" all day. Kids are so cute. I can’t wait to see him again and maybe use this as a chance to Minster to some of the local kids. Most of the town seems to be Christian; the stores are all close on Sundays or at least closed during church hours. The windows are covered with Bible verses and various other Bible related things. I think I’m going to like it there for my summers.

So what else has been going on? Well not much! My SAT is this Saturday and I am more nervous then a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! Well I was, I've been praying for peace and that my nerves be calmed. I've been studying pretty hard core for the last month and a half which has helped my confidence but has also allowed me to put more stress on my self.
I'm going to keep taking practice tests clear up to Friday but I'm refusing to allow my self to stress the math section. I do not know everything that is on there. Making my self so tense and stressed will only harm me on the math I do know. Crying over and glaring at a math problem that I have no idea how to do will NOT help me at this point. So I will simply just take a deep breath try a few more time to see the problem from different angles, if I still cannot do it I will make a guess and move on.
I have done my best. I have done the official SAT question of the day. I have watched math videos. I have done word of the day. I have read and read and read. I have prayed. I have written practice essays. I have done study programs and just about everything else I can think of. I have done all I can do. It is God's hands now. I do NOT need to worry...I'm still trying to convince my self of this.
Please keep my SAT in your prayers. If anything hurts me it will be my nerves more than anything. I'm going to start doing "full length practice tests starting tomorrow". So instead of breaking the whole test up into different parts of the day or even over two days I'll be sitting down and following the official time. So it will take a good three and a half hours. Normally I would spend an hour or so testing then go do something else then come back an hour later and do some more. I'm hoping this will get me ready for the real thing.

All in all I am at peace with my life and future right now. I believe I am on the right path with my plans and goals. Life is good. God is great.

3 comment(s):

Rachel said...

I am so sorry to hear of your great-grandmother's passing! What a blessings though that she was a Christian! I am sure that is such a comfort to you all! =:)

I will be praying for your SAT's! I know they can be rough on your nerves! =:) I am sure you will be fine though. =;)


Anonymous said...

How did the SAT go? I was praying for you.

Sydney Smith said...

Thanks for praying for me. I think they went really well. I won't get my scores back until the 26th though.