
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What has been going on

Life has been really busy the last few weeks! I never seem to have enough time in the mornings/afternoons and by night time I'm too tired to do much of anything. So whats been going on?

First of all my mother's back has gotten much worse, she has had several prolapsed discs in her lower back for about 8-10 years now. They have always given her problems but never anything this bad. She had an MRI two weeks ago and they showed fractures all over her lumbar vertebrae. I don't know all that is wrong but it is very serious. Today she is getting an injection that might help relax her muscles and help deaden the nerves enough that her body will be able to absorb the discs that are pressing on the nerves causing the pain. If this does not work then she will undergo surgery. This whole thing has been very challenging and stressful for all of us. Please keep our family in all y'all's prayers.

Yesterday was my allergy test. I found out that I'm allergic to several things; Ash trees, hickory trees, and dust mites. The hickory isn't that big a deal but the ash is. Our whole area is full of ash trees! I'm still going to be taking a daily allergy medicine just to help keep everything clear and running smoothly. I personally hate taking medicine for anything unless I really have to but I guess this is one of those times.
So how does allergy testing work? It's really simple and kinda cool. First they number your back, so they know what spots are what. Second they have a little plastic thingy with barbs on it, the barbs have drops of different allergens on the tips. Thirdly they take a little 'caterpillar' as they call it and press it into your skin. This doesn't hurt to bad, it's just really uncomfortable! Then you wait. I think I had to wait about 15 minutes for the results. If you are allergic to something the pricks swell up and react to the liquid that was on the barbs. It's neat how this all works and the doctor gave me some sheets to read about how allergies really work "in case I got bored" he said...HA! He had no idea as soon as we got in the car I started reading the pages! It's not his fault I'm a homeschooling book nerd. To be honest those papers were really really interesting to read!

So to sum this all up I just ask for lots and lots of prayers for my mother's back. God bless you all.

-edited for grammar 03/12/09-

1 comment(s):

Felecia said...

I'm sorry about your mom! Hope everything works out well and that she doesn't end up having to have surgery. No fun. I will remember her in my prayers!