
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tagged and some pictures!

First of all I was tagged!
by Lacy at A Godly Maiden

The Rules

Link to the person(s) who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag sixish people at the end of your post.
Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
Let the tagger know when your entry is up
So let’s see.. six random things about myself…

Hmmm Something random about me...

1. I have a slight obession with knitting books! Slight might be a tad of an understatment.
2. I have a little stuffed sheep keychain that snores when I squeeze it!
3. I've broken all my toes at least once and I think I've broken a few twice.
4. My goal is to grow my hair out to my waist again, when I was 8-9 I could sit on it!
5. When I'm nervous I fiddle with anything that I can get my hands on. Even when I'm not nervous I fold all my papers with out even thinking about it! It drives my mom crazy!
6. Some times I drop my "g's" and I say y'all instead of you all.

So how is my next victum...I mean who should I tag...hmmmmm...I know!

I tag anyone who reads this! Just joking, I tag anyone who wants to do this!

OK now for my pictures!

I wasn't able to attend church Sunday because my family was still getting over being sick so tonight will be my first ngiht to wear it to church. The past week I've worn it full time, mainly just to get used to wearing one before church and also just to see how it feels, I'm still praying about when I should be wearing one but in the mean time here are some pictures of a few that I've made/bought.

Little brother zoom out alittle please!

Thanks! Ok this one I made from some fabric my mom bought, its basicly just a bandana with ties.

This is the one I bought from Garlands of Grace! Front and Back. Also, I'm wearing this one to church tonight.

This is simply a bandana I bought a while back from goodwill and finally found a use for it! It matches my choir polo perfectly! My youngest brother (and my photograhier) likes this one best of all.

Well, off I go to church! I hope that this weekend I'll be able to share the response I get tonight!

10 comment(s):

faerieeva said...

I'ld be very interested to hear of the reactions. I started to cover my head for Church gradually over the last few years and it has been a surprising journey.

Be loved and blessed,


Anonymous said...

Hi Sydney!

I tagged you with the same tag too! :) I was going to let you know yesterday, but the Parental Controls on my computer blocked you. Don't worry, it does that to A LOT of sites that I read - it's VERY over pretective...:) It's even blocked mine before!

I respect the way you have stood up for what you feel God has led you to do, and wear headcoverings. It looks very cute on you!


Anonymous said...

Very nice and so glad for your stand! :) Your hair is quite lovely too. I love red hair. :)

Lacy said...

It looks great, Sydney! :) I was going to try the bandanna type once -- but the only one I have is bright red.. LOL.

Let us know how it goes at church!!

~ Lacy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on our blog! It's very nice to meet you. :) You have such beautiful curly hair!


Anonymous said...

Hey Syd,
I don't where many bandanas, but i have a tiny obsession with scarves. All the way from winter ones, all the way to sheer ones for the spring and summer.

Sarah Ann said...
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Sarah Ann said...

I really like the white one. It's very pretty. I may buy a head covering from Garlands of Grace! Thanks for sharing where you got it!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I believe God judges our heart and our walk with him instead of our appearance. Of course he wants us to be modest, that is obedience to him. But why wear a head covering in order to pray? That's just religion. That's sort of like saying that God wants us to get on our knees every time we pray to him.

I do believe that the Word from the Old Testament is still in existence for us and we should not ignore what it says. However, back then people had to perform certain actions (such as sacrificing animals, wearing coverings, etc.) in order to gain salvation through Christ. Now that Jesus died for us, he set us from the curse of having to perform by certain actions in order to gain salvation and acceptance through him.

Of course, it won't hurt to wear coverings. I'm sure God is pleased that you are obeying what he had said in the Old Testament - not because that you're wearing it, but because of your heart to please him, even if that means bringing yourself shame.

But I personally do not believe God requires this from his children after Jesus died. He loves us and still will accept us even if we have short hair, long hair, no hair, or coverings. And he will still listen to our prayers. I think that is the most important.

It's all about relationship with him, our walk with him that counts. Not performance, not doing certain things in order to feel accepted by him.

Sydney Smith said...

Dear new Anonymous,

I've actually came to some new views on those verses and others about dressing modestly. I no longer cover or follow such strict dress codes. I'll have to write about it soon. Thank you for your comment. I personally agree with everything you said.

I hope that you keep reading my little blog and keep giving valuable insight.

